Book Preview
The following are selected excerpts from my book.

My approach to dietary change
Initially, the idea that I would have to radically change my diet to heal my psoriasis
presented a huge challenge for me. Eventually I found an acceptable way to get started on changing my diet. Rather than focusing on what I needed to give up, I started the dietary change process by focusing on foods that helped my psoriasis heal.

I still don't like diets. Instead, I continue to focus my efforts on identifying and consuming foods that will help my psoriasis to heal. Meanwhile, I remain constantly aware of those foods that cause my psoriasis to get worse and of the continuing necessity for me to avoid them. With this approach, I have gradually adapted my diet by developing and following my own dietary guidelines rather than adhering to any single strict "diet."

How my perception of my diet has changed
Before I began searching for information about healing my psoriasis, I had not given much thought to body chemistry, especially the chemistry of my body's digestive process as it attempted to get nutrition from the food I consumed. Neither did I think about additives in my food choices, or what my body did with them, or of the possible side effects they might have on my overall health. It never occurred to me that I should not combine proteins with carbohydrates. While I was aware that pH referred to acid and alkaline conditions in solutions, I had never given any consideration to the pH of the food I was consuming-or of my body's pH. My view of all of this has changed radically. I now understand that everything I consume has, in one way or another, an effect on my body. This is true for anything I eat, drink, or inhale.

Candida albicans (yeast)
I believe that overgrowth of Candida albicans played a major role in the development of my psoriasis. This belief is based on my body's reaction to consumption of foods such as bread and pizza that contain yeast and to my response to the initial use of a colon-cleansing program designed to treat yeast infections. Some of my psoriasis flare-ups occurred after I had consumed bread two or three times a day.

By observing my outbreaks of psoriasis, I eventually figured out that sugar was one of the trigger foods. I now understand exactly how and why it caused the outbreaks. First of all, sugar is an acid-forming food. Second, it promotes the biological transformation of healthy body cells into bacteria, which, in turn, produce toxic waste.

Trigger Foods
My definition of a trigger food is a food that causes a flare-up of psoriasis within a couple of hours or days after it is consumed.

Contributing Foods
I have classified some foods as contributing foods. They include those that have contributed to my psoriasis, but in a way that did not result in flare-ups.

Using food as medicine for my psoriasis
After I observed the healing effect that consuming broccoli had on my psoriasis, I realized that broccoli was more than just a healthy food, it acted as a medicine for my psoriasis. Eventually, celery, green beans, garlic, kale, and spinach were added to my list of psoriasis medicines. Each of these foods produced a visible healing effect on my psoriasis and supported my goal of moving to a more alkaline lifestyle. Eating each of these foods became a daily routine for me, similar to taking medication.

Eventually, I added avocado and salmon to my list of psoriasis medicines because they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

I ate whole unprocessed foods as much as possible. For example, I ate raw carrots instead of drinking carrot juice.

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